Art Classes on Hold
Due to the Covid -19 pandemic as well as other work obligations, my art classes are currently on hold. I will update my blog when classes...
No Classes over Summer Break
There will be no art classes for the rest of the summer. I hope everyone enjoys their summer!
Watercolor Studies and New Class Finalized
I have been working on improving my watercolor skills so I can be a better artist, and teacher. Watercolor has always intimidated me...

Now Enrolling for Fall Art Classes!
I am now gathering interested people to re-start my after school art classes! If you have been wanting your child to take (or re-enroll)...

Art Classes Start Thursday, September 7th
Starting Thursday, September 7th, art classes will be held on Thursdays from 4:00-5:30pm for ages 6-12 in my class location in the dining...

Time for Art Classes to Restart!
I hope everyone had a great summer and got some relief from the smoke! Now that school has started, it's time to start back up my after...

Summer's Here!
It's 97 degrees and summer is officially here! I will be taking a break from teaching my classes at Little Shop of Bagels for the summer...

Rewarding Exercise With Students: Blending and expressing light and shadow
Working with pencil and practicing blending to create a 3 dimensional illusion is such a helpful exercise! It's so rewarding for both the...

Art Classes
It's that time again- school has started and fall is coming! I am teaching classes at Willow Wind and at Helman Elementary, and restarted...

Belle Fiore Wine Label Contest
I am so excited to have my painting, "Belle Syrah in October" chosen for Belle Fiore Winery' 2013 Belle Arte wine labels! Here is my...